Tuesday, 8 July 2008

What's arrived, and what's not.

The replacement worktop arrived from those Very Nice People at Blacksheep in Macclesfield yesterday. They must be made up.

Phone call from installations manager yesterday to check Saturday's delivery; I told her what had arrived and she agreed that it was short by a unit and a base door, the latter of which is not available for another 9 days (so, she said the larder unit will have to be done on a 'nip back' basis but as it involves the completion including foot plates of the larder unit I would expect it will take a bit more than a 'nip'). A voicemail from her later confirmed that the missing items (except that base door) will arrive by courier tomorrow.

Also rang Trading Standards and got a reference number. They will add the details of my call to the MFI branch case file.

Now awaiting Fitter3 to give us a date to come and remove the wall units & skim so we can get some proper base coats put down.

Why wasn't the floor to ceiling unit designed originally with all base units, instead of 500 wall units stacked up? It's not right - using wall units means there's uneven spacers down the front. So that's another thing we were missold on.

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