Monday, 14 July 2008

Agenda Morphing.

I got an email from the IM last week asking whether Fitter3 had contacted me with dates for this week. I answered No, and said I needed to know. I need to plan around it accordingly. Ok, leave it with her.

Then in some bizarre turnaround, she rings me Friday asking if I've got the sink and when I say no, it'll be Tuesday, she says he's not coming until the sink's here. WTF???
He doesn't need the sink here to come and take the blasted units off the sodding wall and smooth it over.
Allowing the plaster to dry before it's even ready for an undercoat will take at least 3 days!!!

How dare MFI back us into a corner and hold us to ransom against him starting on the wall. In fact, he could have done that already by now, sink or no pigging sink! It's been TWO MONTHS, FFS!

Can you sense a distinct edge to my tone at this point. :-P

Anyway, Fitter3 rang last night (yes, Sunday evening 8pm) to say he'd come Tuesday for the wall, then return probably Thursday to start the base units.

I should jolly well think so.

"How very dare you" ! ! ! pmsl

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