Monday, 20 October 2008

MFI - No Response

The installations manager has not had the common decency to return the voicemail. We've given her a week - but then haven't we just been giving them break after break for the past 5 months.

We have now discovered a hairline crack running through the sink 2 inches out from the tap base - this would not have been immediately apparent due to it being pristine, but over the past few weeks I guess dirt has got in the crack so it is now visible.

Fitters4 spent a long time messing about with the alignment of these units. And now they turn round and say that it's the fault of Fitter1 who should have noticed the warp in the worktop so it could have been replaced, and who fitted the whole base structure seemingly without the use of a spirit level.

The doors are not operating smoothly, open the doors and it's blatantly obvious they're not straight, plus there's that awful inverted V gap at the wall end panel.

- - -

Happy birthday - not - to the Remedial Work
... now 5 months old!!!

I've done a quick search on the internet and apparently we are supposed to be noticing some things...

Development Milestones at 5 Months :

* Sit, if supported, to view the world. - yeah it sure needs support
* Start to connect eyes and fingers, co-operate in reaching and grasping. - connection & co-operation never seem to have been a strongpoint
* Make sounds and interrupt conversations when wanting attention. - it certainly sneaks into conversations
* Display an awareness and wariness with strangers. - yesss, how many fitters have we had now
* Babble double consonants such as baba, dada, mama.
- certainly leaves us babbling incoherent wrecks

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