1. End panel on the wall units has finally got replaced satisfactorily.
This was what it looked like when it was replaced the first time - Fitters4 said they just never noticed...
2. Fridge/Freezer fitting
Then Himself asked Fitters4 what they were going to do about the inverted 'V' on the f/f fitting. (Bear in mind this is the one I'd discussed with them on previous occasions, and they'd said they'd not got the wood to do it, fair enough, but they'd get hold of it and put the wall end right.)
The first guy flatly replies that he didn't know about it and has never discussed it! Yeah right, the words "Pants on Fire" spring to mind.
So I go into the kitchen & look the guy squarely in the face (maybe he didn't realise I was in the house) and ask the same question. He cannot look me in eye as he replies that yes, maybe it was mentioned* but he doesn't recall all that well.
* [see post: Remedial Work 03-Sep-08]
After a subsequent protracted investigation, Fitters4 found that ...
(a) Fitters1 had fitted a worktop which was ever so slightly warped; they should have checked it with the spirit level before fitting so that it could have been replaced at the time.
(b) Fitters1 had also seemingly lost the use of their spirit level when fitting the left side of the cabinet. It is not vertical, and Fitters4 went on to determine that in fact the whole cabinet is not fitted correctly; consequently both fridge and freezer are out of kilter. It is impossible to get them right as a result because you're always going to have a 'V' gap somewhere along the line. And because of the worktop you're always going to have the top not right.
Well, technically that's not our problem is it, because these people are supposed to be the fitters, the ones with the Solution.
Apart from, in reality, it is very much our problem because we're the ones stuck with it - and they couldn't give a fetid rat's kidney.
Ideally, what should happen is this:
MFI take responsibility for Fitter1 being incompetent, and replace the WHOLE corner - worktop and cabinet structure, and refit the appliances correctly.
Bets are currently being taken for what MFI actually propose.
Surprisingly (not) the installations manager's mobile phone rang out to voicemail this morning. Hmm.
We await a call back.
- - -
At the top of this blog is a fair assessment of how we hoped this would go - they messed up, we gave them the opportunity to put it right. And we hoped, and believed, that they WOULD put it right, and that this blog would be a TESTAMENT to that resolution. They still could.
We have given them ...
... even though we have had to put up with FIVE MONTHS now of remedial work and personal stress, and as a result the house has not been ready to receive guests.